How to Test New Instagram Strategies for Holistic Health Practitioners

Instagram continues to be a dynamic platform, constantly evolving with new features and updates to its algorithm. For holistic health practitioners, keeping pace with these changes isn’t just about maintaining visibility; it’s about actively engaging and expanding your audience in meaningful ways. What worked last quarter might not hold the same impact now, especially in the holistic health space where authenticity and trust are paramount. Here is how to test new Instagram strategies for holistic health practitioners!

Quick News: Latest Instagram Algorithm Update 

Instagram has recently announced a significant change to its algorithm, one that prioritizes original content over reposts. This update could dramatically affect your reach, potentially enhancing it if you consistently produce original content, or diminishing it if you rely on reposts. Key points include:

  • Content Penalty: Accounts that publish 10 pieces of reposted content within 30 days will see their subsequent content hidden from non-followers for the next 30 days.
  • Promotion of Original Posts: When promoting content, Instagram’s algorithm will now prioritize the original post. This aims to reward original creators and ensure that they benefit from the reach of their own content.

This is a crucial development for holistic health practitioners on Instagram. It underscores the importance of creating unique, original content that reflects your personal brand and expertise.

Understanding Ineffective Instagram Strategies

Before diving into how to test and analyze new strategies, it’s crucial to identify what to avoid. Certain growth tactics can harm your reputation and the organic growth of your account:

  • The Follow/Unfollow Method: This tactic is seen as inauthentic and can significantly damage your relationship with potential followers.
  • Engagement Groups or Pods: While they might boost your engagement temporarily, they don’t result in genuine interaction from interested parties in holistic health.
  • Misguided Giveaways: Giveaways that require users to follow multiple accounts or tag numerous friends can lead to low-quality engagement and are often not compliant with Instagram’s terms.

Experimenting with Content Formats

To thrive on Instagram as a holistic health practitioner, you need to be strategic about your content:

  1. Diverse Content Formats:
    • Photos and Carousels: Great for before-and-after shots of clients, showcasing herbal remedies, or explaining a complex health concept in simple steps.
    • Reels: Use Reels to reach new audiences with short, engaging clips about quick health tips, meditation snippets, or the benefits of various treatments.
    • Stories: Perfect for day-in-the-life content, behind-the-scenes at your practice, or quick testimonials from your clients.
  2. Analyze and Adjust:
    • Continually monitor how different content performs. Use Instagram Insights to track which types of posts garner the most engagement, shares, and saves.
    • Notice patterns in the feedback and adjust your strategy accordingly. If educational Carousels on natural remedies or mindfulness tips are hitting the mark, double down on those.
  3. Stay Updated with Instagram’s Changes:
    • Always keep an eye on the latest features and algorithm updates. Integrating new features like Guides or Collabs can keep your content fresh and engaging.

Experiment with these Instagram Strategies for Holistic Health Business

  1. Grow Your Email List:
    • Utilize Instagram’s link sticker in your Stories to direct followers to your lead magnet, such as a free eBook or a sign-up page for a workshop. This approach helps convert followers into subscribers effectively.
    • Test direct message (DM) automation to respond instantly when someone messages you with a specific keyword. Set up a friendly reply with a link to your resource and a personal note to follow up.
  2. Position Yourself as an Expert:
    • Use Instagram Highlights to your advantage. Create Highlights for different aspects of holistic health, such as “Herbal Remedies,” “Yoga Poses,” or “Success Stories.”
    • Design your Highlights with brand-consistent covers and ensure each title succinctly reflects the content. This organization helps new visitors quickly grasp your areas of expertise.
  3. Adapt Based on Feedback and Results:
    • Regularly seek feedback from your audience about what they find helpful or interesting. This direct line of communication can guide your future content.
    • Adjust your posting schedule based on when your audience is most active. For holistic practitioners, times when people are likely relaxing at home can be ideal for posts about self-care or relaxation techniques.

Remember, Personalization is Key

No single approach works universally, especially when it comes to Instagram strategies for the holistic health field where personal touch and authenticity are key. Regularly testing, analyzing, and adapting your strategy based on your unique audience and goals will lead to more meaningful engagement and growth on Instagram.

By understanding your audience deeply and responding to their needs through strategic content and interaction, you’re not just marketing – you’re connecting and enriching lives. Keep experimenting with genuine content that reflects your holistic practice, and you’ll find that Instagram can be a powerful tool to expand your impact and reach in the holistic health community.