Why Holistic Practitioners Need Two Instagram Accounts

Jump Into Holistic Health Instagram Strategy

In the world of holistic health, your digital presence can significantly amplify your reach and impact. Instagram, with its vast audience and visual appeal, stands out as a powerful tool for practitioners. However, one common oversight many holistic health practitioners make is using their personal Instagram account to serve their business needs. While it may seem convenient to transform a personal page with an existing following into a business account, this practice can be detrimental to your platform. Every holistic health practitioner needs two Instagram accounts, read on to learn more:

Separate Personal Passions from Professional Pursuits

Personal and Business Goals Differ:

Your personal Instagram account is a space for personal expressions, moments with friends and family, and interests that may not necessarily align with your business. Mixing these with your professional content can dilute your brand’s message and confuse your audience—and the Instagram algorithm.

Algorithm Precision:

Instagram’s algorithm is adept at categorizing and pushing content based on user engagement and profile interactions. If your account is a hybrid of personal anecdotes and professional services, the algorithm struggles to accurately promote your content to the appropriate audience. For example, if your niche is in female fertility but your family members—who are not your target demographic—engage with your content the most, Instagram might not effectively expose your posts to potential clients who genuinely need your services.

Benefits of Having Separate Instagram Accounts

Targeted Content Strategy:

With a dedicated business account, you can tailor your content strategy precisely to your professional audience. This includes posts, stories, and interactions that consistently resonate with the themes of holistic health, directly addressing the interests and needs of potential clients.

Professional Branding:

A business account allows you to craft a cohesive brand image. From your bio to your feed aesthetics and content themes, every element can be aligned strategically to reflect your professional identity and values.

Analytics and Insights:

Instagram offers business accounts access to detailed analytics and insights, which are crucial for understanding your audience, measuring engagement rates, and adjusting your strategy accordingly. These insights are less relevant and harder to interpret if personal content muddies your data.

Networking and Collaborations:

A business profile enhances your credibility and opens doors for professional networking and collaborations with other industry influencers and brands. It’s a platform for showcasing your expertise, sharing client testimonials, and detailing your services, which might be awkward or out of place on a personal page.

Privacy and Boundaries:

Keeping a personal account separate ensures your privacy and helps maintain boundaries between your professional and personal life. This separation is vital for mental wellness and prevents professional stressors from spilling over into personal spaces.

How to Manage Two Instagram Accounts Effectively


Occasionally cross-promote your business content on your personal profile to direct friends and family who may benefit from your professional services without overwhelming them with business posts.

Content Diversification:

Use your business account to experiment with diverse content formats like reels and guides, focusing on providing value that educates, informs, and engages your professional audience.

Engagement Strategies:

Engage actively with followers on your business account with a focus on professional growth, answering queries related to holistic health, and establishing yourself as a thought leader.

Regular Updates:

Lastly, keep both accounts active. Prioritize content creation and engagement efforts based on the specific goals and audience of each profile.

Ready to Try This Holistic Health Instagram Strategy?

In conclusion, maintaining separate personal and professional accounts is as a holistic health practitioner is essential. This holistic health Instagram strategy ensures that each account serves its purpose effectively, leveraging your Instagram account for business growth. In addition, it helps you reach the right audience with the right messages, thus maximizing your impact and business growth on the platform. Remember, in the realm of social media marketing, clarity and consistency are keys to success.